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5 reasons your trade show leads are low quality (+ how to fix it) business strategy marketing planning marketing strategy May 01, 2024

"After a trade show, our team comes back with tons of irrelevant leads that go nowhere." <-- I hear this a lot, especially B2B service providers.

Having planned nearly 100 trade shows in my time, here are my top tips to fix this problem once and for all.

  1.  Your company message is too...

Want to create your 2024 lead generation plan together? business essentials business strategy marketing marketing planning marketing strategy Oct 26, 2023

In my most recent post, I shared a brand new guide, “How to Gain 100 Leads in 30 Days.” (Pick it up free if you haven’t yet!). It was so well received by my community that we’re turning it into a workshop!

It’s calledYour Next 100 Leads Workshop...

Get Your Copy of Scientist to CEO Today! book business strategy marketing Jun 12, 2023

I have some incredibly exciting news to share with you.

After 3 years of hard work, I'm thrilled to share that my book, Scientist to CEO: The Marketing Handbook for STEM Professionals, has officially been published!

If you're a scientist in business, yet find typical marketing advice too...

Marketing budget best practices for small businesses business strategy marketing planning marketing strategy Mar 01, 2022

"Yay, it's marketing budget season!" Said no one ever. (Except maybe me).

From September through the holidays (and sometimes earlier), companies are busy planning for the following year, including determining marketing budget and staffing needs. It’s a big deal and can affect everything...

5 signs your business needs a rebrand branding business strategy graphic design Feb 04, 2022

When most people think of branding, logos and colour schemes come to mind. But a brand is much more than the sum of its visual parts. Branding includes everything from a company’s tone of voice and communications to the powerful associations formed by customers.

A strong brand will...