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I repeated my daily LinkedIn posting challenge (and ended up going viral!) Here's what happened. linkedin personal branding social media thought leadership Jun 29, 2023

Note: this post contains affiliate links. This comes at no cost to you, but I may earn a small commission.

School's out for the summer AND my 44-day LinkedIn posting challenge is complete If you've been following along, this was the second time I posted daily as an experiment to boost visibility...

3 ways LinkedIn accelerated my business growth (and generated >$80K) linkedin social media thought leadership May 20, 2023

As a content person, I love when other professionals share real results they’ve achieved—and how they did it—with specific examples. 

So I thought I’d share a few ways I’ve used LinkedIn to grow my consulting business and build thought leadership. Read on to...

Is your LinkedIn company page boring or repetitive? Get the exact system I use linkedin social media May 04, 2023

I keep a running list of FAQs I hear from companies, and one of the top questions is: "What should I post about on my LinkedIn company page (so that it's not boring/repetitive)?"

LinkedIn is probably the most powerful tool for raising awareness of your company and getting quality business...