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I repeated my daily LinkedIn posting challenge (and ended up going viral!) Here's what happened. linkedin personal branding social media thought leadership Jun 29, 2023

Note: this post contains affiliate links. This comes at no cost to you, but I may earn a small commission.

School's out for the summer AND my 44-day LinkedIn posting challenge is complete If you've been following along, this was the second time I posted daily as an experiment to boost visibility...

3 ways LinkedIn accelerated my business growth (and generated >$80K) linkedin social media thought leadership May 20, 2023

As a content person, I love when other professionals share real results they’ve achieved—and how they did it—with specific examples. 

So I thought I’d share a few ways I’ve used LinkedIn to grow my consulting business and build thought leadership. Read on to...

Is your LinkedIn company page boring or repetitive? Get the exact system I use linkedin social media May 04, 2023

I keep a running list of FAQs I hear from companies, and one of the top questions is: "What should I post about on my LinkedIn company page (so that it's not boring/repetitive)?"

LinkedIn is probably the most powerful tool for raising awareness of your company and getting quality business...

I posted daily on LinkedIn for 44 days. Hereโ€™s what happened. linkedin personal branding thought leadership Feb 28, 2023

Of all the social media platforms out there, LinkedIn has proven to be one of the most valuable for building thought leadership and expanding your reach. In no fields is this more true (perhaps) than in the sciences!

But how do you get the most out of it? That's the question I set out to answer...